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Internet Gambling Legislation Introduced

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Rep. McDermott introduces new Internet Gambling legislation20 June 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- The Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative applauds Representative Jim McDermott (D-WA) for Thursday's introduction of the Internet Gambling Regulation and Tax Enforcement Act of 2011 (H.R. 2230), which would ensure that taxes and fees are collected from wagers placed over the Internet in order to raise much-needed revenue for federal and state budgets. H2 Gambling Capital, the leading supplier of data and market intelligence regarding the global gambling industry, projected in a report released last year that regulating all forms of Internet gambling except sports wagering in the U.S., would generate a gross expenditure of $67 billion over five years and 25,470 new jobs. Original co-sponsors of Rep. McDermott's bill include Reps. John Campbell (R-CA) and Barney Frank (D-MA).

"Given the clear need to support our nation's economic recovery, Congress should embrace this bi-partisan supported approach to regulate an industry that would spur economic growth and allow adults to do in their homes what they can already do in land-based casinos," said Michael Waxman, spokesperson for the Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative. "There is simply not a reasonable argument that can be made for keeping a failed prohibition in place...........

Read Entire Article HERE


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Maybe one day something will come about with all these introductions..
