yes i am bad i admit it,my girlfriend wanted to go out with this guy she has liked forever ugh to me he looks like a toilet paper murderer.i think he is just yuck anyway he would not go out with her unless she got his friend a date too.yep you guessed it was me.she begged me til i felt sorry for her so out we went..this guy i was with was 6ft 5.i am only 5ft tall.he was going on and on how he loves little women(i told him to buy the book and then read it )he said all good things come in small packages(i said so does posion can i get you some?)he found a flower shop and bought a bunch of roses for me i told him as i sneezed on him that i am allergic to all plants and flowers as well as grass.he said how can i make you like me.i told him you can not make me or any woman for that matter like you.i said but if you can do a magic disapping act i would love girlfriend was upset with me cause the guy she was with said i was not being very nice to his friend.long story short told her #1 who said i had to be nice?#2 who begged me to go?.well i called my best friend jake and he picked me up to go home.i left her with the two lasted one hour and a half.longest oneand a half hour i ever now she is mad and i could give a rats patootie.hug's alea