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I use to joke about this day coming but didnt think it would!

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Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Fact is we do not live in a free society anymore!! We need the big brother to watch over us, tell us how to run our lives and how to live our lives! I don't know what happened to America but the people need to take it back!:strkcp


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
This has gone way too far now, we need to take a damn stand!!! :strkcp


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Wow, Incredible how they feel they can continue to rule us and make decisions on how we can or cannot live our lives. Good ole' land of the free is not so free anymore realistically. :poor


Newbie Streaker
Jul 9, 2011
I don't normally like to disagree with everyone and risk my own personal safety, but I'd like to offer another point of view if I can LOL :)

I can kind of understand the logic behind this new law in certain circumstances. For example, if a mother is living at home with a young child and is a heavy smoker, then she is potentially putting her childs health at risk. This law shouldn't apply to anyone who lives by themselves, or to a group of house dwellers who all smoke though, that seems like an invasion of rights and freedom.

It must be so hard for law makers to pass certain laws. Its almost impossible to protect everyones rights without accidently discriminating against someone elses.

This is just my opinion, so I hope i'm not public enemey number 1 on this thread after this post haha


Lifetime Streaker
Mar 14, 2009
Well, lets make parents accountable for their kids overeating and making them obese, or for feeding them junk food etc, better yet, let's just plug a microchip into every living soul and the let the governments of the world control our every move just like the computer game "Sim People".

They government has been overstepping boundries for years, and us Americans have been letting happen over the years, i said probably 10+years ago, it would literally take another Cival War before anything would ever change.

How about all smokers in the world band together and sue the government and the tobacco companies for allowing us to get so dependent on nicotene in the 1st place. You know, years ago, there was no such thing as a surgeon general warning on cigs, and people were lead to believe they really weren't that harmful.

I seen a study once saying the addiction to nicotene was on the same level as the addiction to Heroin. Now thats a strong addiction.

Gotta love the land of the free. :think


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
Amazing how many cigarettes are sold here - if they get everyone to quit, what will the government do without all the tax revenue?

I wrote a hugely long paragraph here yesterday, but realized I'd gotten up on my soap box. Long and short of it, the Federal Government's ONLY constitutional authority was protection of the nation - as in a military force. ALL other rights belong at the state level. But we've all stayed so quiet for so long Eisha that I'm afraid you're correct.

And even though they are being tarred with the "evil" brush by the democrats lately, that's what I understand the tea party is all about. They modeled themselves after the Boston Tea Party - tiring of being taxed with no say in the running of the country. They are the grassroots of the nation who are coming together to finally speak out. Let's just pray it's not too late.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
The thing is, is that this article was about no smoking in apartments. I have to agree there. Do your realize how many apartment fires are caused by smokers???? I live in an apartment and just in the past week in the city 50 miles away, I have seen on the news 2 apartment buildings burned down. Both were caused by smokers................................


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
Judy you got me there, I didn't read the article. From the headline I didn't realize they meant multi-unit housing. But I'm still not convinced that we aren't losing many of our most treasured rights in the name of "safety and security" and I'm not sure that trade off is worth it in the long run.

In my opinion the private owner can refuse to rent to the smoker. Insurance companies, both health and property, can refuse to cover smokers. But the government has too much power already, and shouldn't be in the business of legislating such things as this.


Lifetime Streaker
Dec 8, 2008
My daughter asked me if they hate smoking so much why don't they make it illegal? They even told the girls at school that parents that smoked were drug addicts. I laughed and told her they will never do it because of the fortune they make on us from the tax. Really pisses me off.


Lifetime Streaker
Mar 14, 2009
Exactly, and not to change the subject too much, but the government officials talk about how addicting gambling is and why online gambling shouldn't be legal, but yet, most states have state ran lotteries, and in Virginia, i think they may be up to over 6 or 7 different lottery drawings, some drawn daily, 7 days a week, and the rest twice a week, and then not to mention the 120+ different scratch off tickets available from $1-$20 a ticket.

Any government official better NEVER state to me that gambling is bad for people when the state governments are one of the biggest promoter's of it!

Back to the real topic here, yes Judy, i'm in the boat with Labell, i didn't read the article either, but i think if you are renting, then the landlord can make those decisions, not needed for the government to do so. If you don't want to live in an apartment building that allows smoking, then don't live there.

And if you want an apartment that allows smoking, then find one.

The government needs to step down. Give landlord's a tax break for offering non smoking building only. But don't make it LAW. Bad Enough you can't even smoke in restaurants or bars now.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Bad Enough you can't even smoke in restaurants or bars now.

Well I do not go in bars but I for one am glad they banned smoking in restaraunts!! I do not want to eat and have everything smell like smoke.


Junior Streaker
Oct 2, 2009
I think the biggest issue here is not that smoking is bad for you or that it smells bad or anything other than plain losing another right period. I think you gotta look past personal feelings and views and ask yourselves if it's okay for the government to make more choices for us. I for one am damn tired of being told what I can or cannot do. There are many bad habits in this world but as a grown ass woman I feel I should have the right to choose right from wrong or to do something good for me or not. God gave people free will and it pisses me off to have that free will taken away.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Thank goodness we still have the freedom to disagree and still get along :)HG


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
really i think America is no longer the land of the free (really think it's been awhile now)


Newbie Streaker
Jul 9, 2011
America is definitely not the land of the free when it comes to poker and online gambling LOL

