Exactly, and not to change the subject too much, but the government officials talk about how addicting gambling is and why online gambling shouldn't be legal, but yet, most states have state ran lotteries, and in Virginia, i think they may be up to over 6 or 7 different lottery drawings, some drawn daily, 7 days a week, and the rest twice a week, and then not to mention the 120+ different scratch off tickets available from $1-$20 a ticket.
Any government official better NEVER state to me that gambling is bad for people when the state governments are one of the biggest promoter's of it!
Back to the real topic here, yes Judy, i'm in the boat with Labell, i didn't read the article either, but i think if you are renting, then the landlord can make those decisions, not needed for the government to do so. If you don't want to live in an apartment building that allows smoking, then don't live there.
And if you want an apartment that allows smoking, then find one.
The government needs to step down. Give landlord's a tax break for offering non smoking building only. But don't make it LAW. Bad Enough you can't even smoke in restaurants or bars now.