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I promised my Mom

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
My MIRACLE MoM asked me to please thank ALL of you for your prayers, and keeping her in your thoughts.

They removed the feeding tube today! She's eating real food. She asked me how many lines were left? I told her just the trech. They are gonna monitor her for another week or two and then take IT OUT!! After that, she'll be going home to her home!!!

She needs therapy to get her back on her feet and she has some confusion, but if I went thru what she has, I'd be beyond confused.

I'll be staying with her, nurse will visit, until her insurance comes thru and she can get a full time nurse.

So, Virginia wanted to thank all of you, she said- "Liz, please don't forget, you have a wonderful group of friends and I don't think I would have made it with out all the prayer!! Besides you guys, I have jewish friends who pray at temple, punkrockers (Billy Zoom and Exene Cervanka of the band X ) and other assorited "outcasts" lol praying!

Love to all,
Liz and Virginia :proud


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
Thanks so much! I'll print these out for her when I see her on Monday. My sister goes over the weekend

Thanks again, my Mom is a kick!!!




Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Tell your "miracle mom" that we are all very happy she is doing so well! :hug


Lifetime Streaker
Oct 30, 2008
Always nice to hear such wonderful news, Liz! :woohoo

Prayers certainly do help, and miracles certainly do happen everyday (I for one .... we know that!) :hug

Hugs and love to Your Mom!


Lifetime Streaker
Jan 17, 2008
We always said this whole thing was gonna be up to her and God.
I guess they made their decision. Glad she is coming home Liz
Tell her hi and give her hugs


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Wow thats incredible news Liz!!! Your mom is one heck of a fighter!! Please tell her she will continue to be in my prayers!!:hug


Newbie Streaker
Feb 9, 2009
My MIRACLE MoM asked me to please thank ALL of you for your prayers, and keeping her in your thoughts.

They removed the feeding tube today! She's eating real food. She asked me how many lines were left? I told her just the trech. They are gonna monitor her for another week or two and then take IT OUT!! After that, she'll be going home to her home!!!

She needs therapy to get her back on her feet and she has some confusion, but if I went thru what she has, I'd be beyond confused.

I'll be staying with her, nurse will visit, until her insurance comes thru and she can get a full time nurse.

So, Virginia wanted to thank all of you, she said- "Liz, please don't forget, you have a wonderful group of friends and I don't think I would have made it with out all the prayer!! Besides you guys, I have jewish friends who pray at temple, punkrockers (Billy Zoom and Exene Cervanka of the band X ) and other assorited "outcasts" lol praying!

Love to all,
Liz and Virginia :proud

well,we are happy enough to hear the improvements of your mom.. of course, we'll keep praying for her.. tell your mom to get well soon and we knew that she can make it..we wish you all good health and more blessings...:0))

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