I'm in the us, I have been use to just receiving checks whenever I make a withdrawl, which no one can no longer do. Soooo I had to join an alternate method, which rich reels actually did that for me with usemywallet, but ended up being quick tender which i now know is a branch of usemywallet. OK now I had a withdrawl and have waited 10 days and just received an email that it had been returned. And you know it cost 30 dollars for these services, well I called my bank and they are such a small bank that I have to send the wire transfer to another bank and then they send it to my bank. Which quicktender will never understand. I"m soooo lost I loved the good old days when they would just credit your credit card or send you a check, it's getting so hard I about don't even want to play anymore cause I can't even get my money when I do find the cash out button