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High Rollers Lounge

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008

Welcome to the High Rollers Lounge. We are so glad you took a break from your Streak Vegas Vacation to stop in, have a nice cold drink and talk about your big wins (we don't discuss losses in here though!)

Be sure and do your tasks every day! I will have a new one each day for six days and each day I will be announcing two winners! So grab your drink and get your mind ready for a week of fun!



Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008


Welcome to the first task! You are of course in the Lounge area and so what I would like you to do is to tell us one of those embarrassing drink, drank, drunk stories. If you do not drink, or do not have a story about yourself, tell us about your spouses or best friends (or anyones) most embarrassing drinking story! We won't tell anyone, lol.

Good luck, the two best stories will win and be announced tomorrow morning before Task 2 is posted!

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
My story is about my home girl and happened over 20 years ago. She used to like to drag me around the bars in Asbury Park, NJ where Springstein played before making it big. I remember one night, she got really drunk at The Stone Pony. And, unfortunately, she met some guys she wanted to go to breakfast with. So, we met them at "Pat's Diner" -- the area hangout for after a night at the bars. Well, to make a long story short, the three guys made so much trouble, they were kicked out of the diner. June cried and cried and was blaming me. Then, she put her head done on the table. As I was consoling her, rubbing her back and talking to her for about fifteen minutes, I thought she was giving me the silent treatment. I was about to get up and go outside for some air when I heard what sounded like snoring. I looked back at June and realized she had fallen asleep in mid tear. Now, that was embarrassing.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
My most embarrassing drunk story is: Oh crap should I tell it? Alright here goes: Night out on the town with the girls (about 20 years ago) we were bar hopping. I definately had way too much to drink, and decided we girls were going for a road trip. We all piled into the car and started off when we made it about a block and the girl who was driving was pulled over by a cop.

Of course me being drunk couldn't keep my mouth shut, being obnoxious, the officer told me to settle down or he would arrest me, so I ended up throwing up on his shoes. Man, I feel bad thinking about that. But, it is funny at the same time. (Who doesn't want to give a little payback hehe) :red


Lifetime Streaker
Mar 6, 2009
One of my most embarrassing moments (there have been loads) is when I was at an ice skating party in the country and the only facilities was an old outhouse. Feeling not altogether well, I made my way to the outhouse, threw up and that's where my friends found me, asleep, with my head over the hole. Thank goodness it was winter and the cold air deadened the smell ... YUCK!!


Pro Streaker
Feb 27, 2008
this was over 25 years ago but it's still funny. I was at a well know lounge in my home town partying it up with a bunch of guys from out of state when pop my skirt(which zipped up the front) came open and fell to the floor. I was standing there in nothing but a midriff top and pantyhose. How embarrassing of course they loved it and thought it was planed. ouch


Lifetime Streaker
Mar 6, 2008
Hmm..Tough one..LOL

But mine must be when I had been on bars all night long and woke up on a couch at work and all my co-workes looking and laughing at me..

I heard of it a long time after, and I still don´t know how I ended up there..



Lifetime Streaker
Mar 1, 2008
Back in high school, my boyfriend and our friends loved to party!!!! One party, I must've drank 12 shots of tequila and my boyfriend... who knows how many he took. Anyway, we drank way too much! You know what that means.... mann, we were spewing right beside eachother in the patio. He would spew and make me spew more! It was so embarrassing the next day. We woke up in the middle of all that throw because we had both passed out after that. On top of it all, they had tp'd us.
Never will I take a shot of tequila again! The smell of it makes me sick to the stomach!


Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
that would have to be my 21st bday
now not really sure what all or how much i drank, but from thelooks of the pictures, it was alot!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, i guess i thought it would b a great idea to put bright red lipstick on (obviously by myself while really drunk) the picture of that isbeautiful considering we were at a bar with a ton of people there, then i took a little nap- yes on the bathroom floor (the mens for that matter)
played some volleyball in a tourney that was going on (no i wasnt on the team)

i thought friends were supposed o take care of you in times like this

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