I thought about lost and found as the tittle!
But- I'm such an attention whore HELP sounded better. I mean I hate when people don't respond to my posts
n1ksannn thats RAD- were you playing for money???
It's been far too long since I've played live Poker in L.A. but I think the table hits the j/p with a Royal and another player with a boat. The boat actually gets the higher pot. No.... Yr.s and Yrs. and I've NEVER been at a J/P table.
nalgine- we all cringe over those losses!!!
But I cracked up-- if it makes you feel any better....i am a compulsive gambler, and spent spent it all.
I talked to my best friend Jeanne who lives in Vegas. She doesn't gamble ANYTHING like she used to. Couple days ago, she had to run an errand? So she was playing a machine. Dollar V.P. she got up to 600 and was down to 300 told the person- "You know I'm not gonna cash-out 300 bucks, might as well go for 2 bucks" She hit for 1800 bucks. She told me today- she's afraid to leave her house cause it'll be gone
Pixie- When I used to gamble with my MoM (a retired horrendous gambler) she used to tell me " Don't think so hard, don't scare the cards away " < Old Wives Tales
We can relate just a tad around here!!