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Help with colesterol

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Hi friends, well damn! I just found out lastnight after having my blood tested that i have high colesterol. My doc said i have good news and bad news lol. She didnt ask what i wanted to hear she just told me the good first. I had 2 blood transfusions back in 86 age (23) in 2003 age (40) i found out i had hepc from bad blood. In the 80's there were no ways of screening and i had 4 pints each time. Now heres the cool part...i refused the meds pegintron and whatever else they told me about, i stopped consuming bottle of extra strength excedrin a week and i stopped drinking alcohol..my doc had told me that excedrin was very hard for the liver to filter as is alcohol. 7 yrs later and my hepc has cleared!!! All gone and no trace of it! She said 40% clear it and i was one of them. Now the bad part ugh!

She told me she wants me on meds for hi colesterol and i told her that from what i heard from my mom it can really hurt all over. She said yes thats true..it is a side effect that some get while taking meds to help lower LDL (Bad Colesterol) and raise the HDL (Good Colesterol) . My problem is i hurt already almost on a daily basis from headaches and back injury. Headaches are caused by my back. She told me she will also prescribe CO-Q-10 to help with the side effects of more pain. Co-q-10 is spose to be great. It is great for everything in the body..even teeth :) She wants to check my blood again in 2 months. My dad has very hi colesterol and had his arterys checked..he is 70 and doc was amazed because he said he has the heart of a 20 yr old lol. I think it runs in the family. I dont want to take any meds. Does anyone here have hi colesterol? if so..what the heck do or can i eat?? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks friends. :rock


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Hey Red, I am so happy for you that you got rid of the hep!!!!! That must feel so good to know!! I have good cholestrol for a healthy person but to high for a diabetic, lol. They had me on the lowest dose of Lipitor and my arms felt like someone was tightening a tourniquet on them all the time. The heart institute I go to immediately took me off them and said I was one of the ones that could not take those drugs.

My heart doctor put me on Zetia. It is one of those pills that work in your stomach and is mild. I have no reactions from that and have taken it for years.

Also, try Non-flush Niacin and Red Yeast Rice. Those are over the counter and you can get them at WalMart or anywhere. I take those too and they do not bother me in the least.

As far as what to eat or not eat, do a google search and you will find TONS of ideas, lol. :kiss


Apr 12, 2008
my doc but me on niaspan for my good chol. level is too low,,so dont know much about the bad .we have been friends for yrs ,you butthead ..lol...i never knew of the hep problem till now,,im soooooooo very glad that its gone thats what my ex kenny that died a few yrs ago had, his liver shut down but he wouldnt stop drinking.im praying for you my dear friend.hugs barb:)HG


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
hey Judy hon..thanks for all the info..sure appreciate it. Hope your doing well hon.

As for you ya turkey butt lol..I thought i told you about that? Maybe i didnt because when people hear hepc they almost always think..oh you must have been a druggie lol NOT. I am thrilled that it cleared and think i will not take any meds except co-q-10 and try and lower it myself. Thanks again friends. Turkey butt..hope your doing well to. Hugs all! weirdo


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I was prescribed Lipotor a few months for my high cholesterol but wont take it because I am afraid of the side effects. I am trying to bring it down myself by eating healthier.trk


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I hear ya Carey hon, Thats what i am doing too. I found this online..foods for us to eat, some good surprises in here to. Docs are always so gung ho to take this pill and take that pill yet when you hurt you cant get a damn pain killer lol. Try the co-q-10 it is for everyone and very good for the bod. Moms been taking it for 15 yrs now. Dont need a precription either..she swears by the one made by Jarrow. Good luck to all .

Foods To Lower Cholesterol - Types Of Food To Eat For High Cholesterol, Revealed


Junior Streaker
Apr 27, 2008
I am a 38-year-old female. I have developed 2 yellow spots on my eye lid (one on the top and one on the bottom.) About a year ago my hubby was in college for Medical Billing and Coding. In his anatomy book he came across a picture of a woman with the same yellow spots on her eyelid. The book said that was an indication of VERY high cholesterol. I had always been healthy and had never had those kinds of blood tests done. I immediately went to the doctor and found out that my bad cholesterol was extremely high and that my good cholesterol was extremely low. The doc put me on Crestor, but within a day of taking it I had severe muscle aches in my left arm, my left chest and the left part of my back. I really thought I was having a heart attack. The crestor side effects made my muscles so tense that it actually pulled some of my ribs out of place. I went back to the doc and he changed me to Lipitor. I have been taking that for about 6 months now and still experience some muscle pain (but not enough that I can't stand it). I went back to the doc Tuesday and had blood tests again, the Lipitor is working on the bad cholesterol but my good cholesterol is still very low. He told me that is a MAJOR indication of heart disease. I am now taking Niacin along with the Lipitor to see if that will raise my good cholesterol. I go back in 3 months to get tested again. I hope it works. He also told me to eat a LOT of fish (any except salmon) and that would help raise the good cholesterol also. Anyway, I think I am through rambling and will pray for you. Well wishes all around!!!!


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Hi denisculp hon, jeez i hope your doing better. Thats so scary. Why did your doc say no salmon? I have read and heard that salmon is the better fish to eat to lower colesterol. I just went lastnight and bought a bunch of fruits and fresh fish..no veggies though lol have a hard time eating them. Keep reading garlic is wonderful for colesterol so got some fresh as well. Theres this really good cereal out called chocolatey delight (special K) I love it and it is just what i need when i want something with chocolate..it is full of fiber as well. Honey nut cheerios is another. Egg beaters is pretty good..i have that with hashbrowns and wheat toast for breakfast. Maybe we all could trade low colesterol recipes? God Bless all and you all are in my prayers.


Junior Streaker
Apr 27, 2008
My doc said that salmon is the only fish that is high in cholesterol because it is so fatty. I would love to try some low cholesterol recipes. Just remember, ingredients have to be cheap. (I am trying to raise a family of 6 on disability). You are in my prayers.
