No speak<wbr>a Engli<wbr>sh
A bus stops<wbr> and two Itali<wbr>an men get on.
They sit down and engag<wbr>e in an
anima<wbr>ted conve<wbr>rsati<wbr>on.
The lady sitti<wbr>ng next to them ignor<wbr>es them at first<wbr>, but her atten<wbr>tion is
galva<wbr>nized<wbr> when she hears<wbr> one of them say the follo<wbr>wing:
'<wbr>Emma come First<wbr>. Den I come.<wbr> Den two asses<wbr> come toget<wbr>her.
I come
once-<wbr>a-<wbr>more!<wbr> Two asses<wbr>, They come toget<wbr>her again<wbr>.
I come again<wbr> and pee
Then I come one Lasta<wbr> Time.
The lady can'<wbr>t take this any more,<wbr> 'You foul-<wbr>mouth<wbr>ed sex obses<wbr>sed
pig.<wbr>' She Retor<wbr>ted indig<wbr>nantl<wbr>y.
'In this count<wbr>ry, we don'<wbr>t speak
aloud<wbr> on Publi<wbr>c Place<wbr>s about<wbr> our sex lives<wbr>.
'<wbr>Hey, coola<wbr> down lady,<wbr> ' said the man.
'Who talki<wbr>n'<wbr>about<wbr>a sex?
I'm a Justa<wbr> Telli<wbr>n my frien<wbr>da how to spell<wbr> ' Missi<wbr>ssipp<wbr>i ',
$5.00 says you'<wbr>re gonna<wbr> read this again<wbr>!**
A bus stops<wbr> and two Itali<wbr>an men get on.
They sit down and engag<wbr>e in an
anima<wbr>ted conve<wbr>rsati<wbr>on.
The lady sitti<wbr>ng next to them ignor<wbr>es them at first<wbr>, but her atten<wbr>tion is
galva<wbr>nized<wbr> when she hears<wbr> one of them say the follo<wbr>wing:
'<wbr>Emma come First<wbr>. Den I come.<wbr> Den two asses<wbr> come toget<wbr>her.
I come
once-<wbr>a-<wbr>more!<wbr> Two asses<wbr>, They come toget<wbr>her again<wbr>.
I come again<wbr> and pee
Then I come one Lasta<wbr> Time.
The lady can'<wbr>t take this any more,<wbr> 'You foul-<wbr>mouth<wbr>ed sex obses<wbr>sed
pig.<wbr>' She Retor<wbr>ted indig<wbr>nantl<wbr>y.
'In this count<wbr>ry, we don'<wbr>t speak
aloud<wbr> on Publi<wbr>c Place<wbr>s about<wbr> our sex lives<wbr>.
'<wbr>Hey, coola<wbr> down lady,<wbr> ' said the man.
'Who talki<wbr>n'<wbr>about<wbr>a sex?
I'm a Justa<wbr> Telli<wbr>n my frien<wbr>da how to spell<wbr> ' Missi<wbr>ssipp<wbr>i ',
$5.00 says you'<wbr>re gonna<wbr> read this again<wbr>!**