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Good Bye, My Friends

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
Those of you who know me may have noticed that I haven't been around as much as I used to be. Well, it's because over the past several months, my life has been slowly falling to pieces and now I'm at rock bottom.

After losing my father in 2006 (10 years after losing my 41 year old sister), I almost lost my mother. Then, last October, we brought my in-laws here to be near us. After being mentally mentally abused by a controlling 86-year old father-in-law who I used to respect and a equally manipulative 84-year old mother-in-law, drying out our bank account for well over $20,000 to bring them here, set them up, subsidize their income each month and more, there are now both in different nursing homes (father-in-law is in one that can only handle mental patients) and my mother-in-law here on our side, but with me getting constant complaints from staff that they are getting tired of her complaints cos nothing's good enough for her...

Well, I also lost work about a month ago, owe loads of back taxes which the money set aside was spent on the in-laws, am faling behind in bills, am close to my own mental break down, can't even afford to continue proper medical care due to loss of income but having issues with my diabetes and am diagnosed with a slightly enlarged heart (can't get stressed I'm told), and arthritis in both knees...well, I'm pretty much a mess. And, not too sure if my sanity or marriage will survive.

I know I'm rambling, but I just wanted to come out here to say my good byes. I don't know what is going to happen to me, my family, but I need to regroup and see if there is someway to get my life back together before it gets too late. I don't know when or if I'll ever make it back, but I'll always cherish the good times I've had.

God bless you all. Remember me fondly And, everyone, have a great life!


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Krazy, please talk to someone. You should not have to bear this pain alone. I know there is help out there if you just reach out. I will keep you and your family in my prayers hon. Know that we are always here for you! :eek:


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Krazy I respect you for the fact that you realize you need to get your life in order and are stepping away from a gambling forum, and I praise you on that. I hope to see you in the future and I wish you all the best of luck in life. You have been a member of the gambling community for years and I hate to see this happen to such a great person!:eek:


Lifetime Streaker
Jan 17, 2008
Krazy I am sorry for what you are going thru.. I would venture to say that your father in law has the beginnings of Altzeimers..
tell both the nursing homes to do their jobs as far as your in-laws go
If your mother in law has petty complaints they need to deal with them as professionals as that is what you are paying them for.

As for the rest of it.. check with your local and state offices on elderly care.. you may be eligible for reimbursement for the money you put out to take care of them.

And as Judy said go and talk to someone about this.. I am worried about your mental state


Senior Streaker
Mar 1, 2008
Good Luck Krazy! I hope everything starts to get better for you real soon!

I guess we all think that our lives will get better after we get our kids through school and college, etc.........but then it's on to grandkids and to parent care! It just never quite ends, does it? You're very wise to stay away from the gambling during this time and believe me, many things get better every time I take a breather from it. Financially and emotionally. You'll get through this. Hang in there, girl! The sun is shining just around the corner!



Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Hey everyone, she is gonna be okay. Of that I am sure. She sent me a message this morning and said I could this:

although I'm not doing well, I've a strong spirit and am going to keep on fighting as best I can. I'll try to keep my spirits up by always remembering you and other friends from the Streak. And, though I may have all these problems, there are others in this world a whole lot worse off then me.

Give me a couple months off and hopefully I'll be back and Streaking again soon. On that you can quote me. Take care and thanks.

Just wanted to share that with you all! ;)


Junior Streaker
May 12, 2008
I pray that Jesus will guide you through this extremely hard time.Hes great at putting lives back together if you ask him.May God bless you and bring you out of this soon.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
krazy hon, i am so sorry that your having a rough time right now. Try to hang in there and all things will get better. Theres always tomorrow and tomorrows another new day of hope, and good surprises. I will keep you and family in my thoughts and prayers. It's all going to be ok sweetie. If you need to talk just pm me hon. The Lord will take care of it. We all love and miss you much. Darla hugs {{{{{{{{{krazy}}}}}}}}:eek:


Junior Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
I havent been to involved in any forums in awhile now myself of that im sorry to you all. but i can say one of my fav peeps on these forums has been krazy woman. I will miss you hon and contact me anytime if ya wanna talk ok. ((((hugs))))


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I know this good bye isn't forever..Life has a way of working itself out hon, if you ever need me, don't hesitate to send me a pm. I'm a really good listener.:eek:


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Oh Krazy I am so sorry to hear all you are going through right now. We are all here for you anytime you may need to talk. Please take care of yourself and come back soon, we will miss you so much! You will be in my thoughts and prayers while you are gone sweetie.:hands


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
krazy2go please hang in there, you are a great person and no one should have to go through a lot of the hardships some do BUT .. it does make us stronger and with our friends/family by our side we can get through anything. Don't give up and don't be so hard on yourself you are doing the best you can for what you've been given and believe it or not you are touching others lives in a positive way (as you have for me throughout years at these forums). I will always be thankful to you for that and don't give up everything that gives you a little escape from reality because we all need to escape once in awhile for ourselves. <3<3<3

In friendship,
Darlene aka Camposjd


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Krazy, if you happen to pop in and read these, you will see how much you mean to all of us and how we pray your life gets better fast and you can return to us. :eek:
