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Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
I've noticed a lot of posting in the free cash area regarding "new" cashinos with free money offers. PLEASE PLEASE do yourself a favor and research the casino here BEFORE you put the software on your computer.

There is a rogue list here at the Streak - it lists terrible casinos who will cheat and hurt you. Read The Losing Streak, casinos that are SCUM thread.

You run the risk of having your identity stolen every time you take up an offer at a rogue casino. It's downright cheap to have cd's burned and have letters printed offering you "free money." Many of the fly by night operations are simply the bad apples who've changed their name and logo but operate under the same cheating practices that landed them on the rogue list.

There are plenty of fantastic free cash and bonus match offers right here at the Streak! There are so many I can't conceive why you'd ever consider taking up an offer at a non streak affiliated casino.

If they are affiliated here at the Streak you KNOW they're ok. You KNOW the staff, mods and admin here will "go to the wall" for you if you ever do run into a problem.

But please stop posting these free offers until you've done your homework here first. The search button is at the top of every single page here. Check out the casino. Check it out on google. Do yourself a huge favor and save yourself major heartache and do the research first.



Lifetime Streaker
Oct 30, 2008
Thanks so much for this post, labell! You've certainly said it all ... and said it well.

PERHAPS STREAKERS >>>> when you get something of this nature that you're not sure of, send a PM to anyone here on staff with the info and we'll check it out for all members.



Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
Yes thanks very much for the post labell, you are quite right


Junior Streaker
Mar 18, 2008
yep great post and 100% right but i wonder how many will actually:hello take notice


Newbie Streaker
Sep 28, 2008
Hi, as someone that has been around for a long time and may not seem so because I do not always log in, I guess I see both sides to this. It may seem frusitrating to the professionals on the website that people may promote unsolicted casinos and offers. However if you are not computer savvy like myself or if you are someone like me who only post things that they have attempted and tried and it has worked, it can be disheartening to see some of the responses that get posted immediately after I make a contribution. I understand that I may get it wrong it terms of not knowing for sure it is a professional site, but I have played for real (as a depositor) and just for free credits for years and generally I take most free credits with a grain of salt so I will post on the basis that the site has not caused viruses or the code etc has worked. I think if you have expectations that everybody is going to get it right all the time, then limit it to just the professionals to make the posts. Many I time I find legit and safe offers and make credible posts and sometimes I may get it wrong, however i post in good faith with offers that appear to work. Either gamers should see the offers for what they are, be willing to take the risk or just have the professionals make the posts in the first place. many a time i may have legit posts but don't bother because some of the comments are blatantly rude and unnecessary because keep in mind people are just trying to helpful and give something back. I love this site and have used it for years although it may not seem so. I'm grateful for the info but I think sometimes the criticism that follows does not take in to account that the posts are in good faith, for the right reasons and we are not all experts. you can't have it both ways. you can't promote it both ways. I'm not wanting to be mean or anything but lets face it, we are not all computer or casino savvy but doesn't mean we don't enjoy and don't want to participate. Still a faithful loyal steakgamer!!!

Thanks always


Lifetime Streaker
Oct 30, 2008
Thanks for your input as a posting member on this, fred.

I do have to tell you that we strongly encourage members to post ... be it that you agree or disagree on a topic ... that is; of course; what makes each of us different & unique individuals. We value & respect the opinions of everyone here at the forum.

I will agree that sometimes comments may be made in haste without consideration of being very tactful, and may come across as being rude, etc. BUT we must also consider that it's difficult; at times; to express what we MEANT to because we are TYPING, not TALKING and with verbalization comes expression which we all know makes a difference in how things are expressed & taken by one another.

You noted that not everyone is a savvy with all of the sites out there .... WELL >>>> THAT'S WHAT WE'RE HERE FOR! Soooooo post away .... and ask .... it's OUR JOBS to inform the members and if you don't ask, you won't know!

We do all that we do to protect our members interest (and hard earned dollars) with the casinos. Our dedication & loyalty is to our members first so that's why we caution play at questionable sites ... for your protection, not ours as professionals in the field.

AGAIN ..... thanks for your input on this. I do hope that you'll post more and hope that I've expressed; in the correct context; what I'm trying to say!



Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
Dear Fredastaire.... I'm not a professional, I'm just a disabled person who happens to love to play online. I do generally take my time before I post and think through the phrasing as best I can etc, but that's just my nature. And sometimes I too shoot posts off from the hip, to my later regret. You say you're upset and disheartened because your posts immediately come under scrutiny. Do your homework before you post and you'll never be criticized.

There was nothing personal in my post. It was not "aimed" at anyone, nor was it rude or critcal of anyone. However you took it personal, and so if the shoe fits.... You say you've been around and see both sides. Then show that you're computer / internet savvy - do the homework on a new offer before you post. With all the resources to check out a new place, contributing a rogue casino is really unforgiveable. Not only because it's unsafe, but also because its darn frustrating to us players who get excited over a new place. See that's what my real complaint is... I get all happy because there's a new place to play, only to find out the person posting didn't bother to check it out....

Now what I'm about to say is what I believe to be true... I have NOT asked, nor been told if it is this way.... But think for a minute however about the costs involved in this website. Bandwidth is expensive! Look at the size of the archives, the number of hits per day, the size of the staff etc. IT AIN'T CHEAP! We don't pay to use the site, although we benefit greatly from it.

The CASINO'S who are affiliated with the Streak pay for the ads.... they contribute the chips and free offers. By posting non-affiliated casinos here YOU are taking food from the mouths of the Streak family. Yet nobody from the Streak has ever ever pointed that out, nor shot you down for posting non affiliated places. They simply told you immediately when a place is not recommended because it's unsafe or has bad business ethics. That's not criticizism, that's them acting in good faith, protecting us players.

I never ever said in my post that you or anyone should not share, I simply begged you to do the homework first. For yours and everyones benefit. I hope you continue to contribute and post and that we can become buddy players in the great casino online!


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Now what I'm about to say is what I believe to be true... I have NOT asked, nor been told if it is this way.... But think for a minute however about the costs involved in this website. Bandwidth is expensive! Look at the size of the archives, the number of hits per day, the size of the staff etc. IT AIN'T CHEAP! We don't pay to use the site, although we benefit greatly from it.​

It is all well worth it believe me we love doing what we do here, this place is our life and family :) It is ok Fred just do some homework is all we ask, I don't want to see you burned and neither does Labell that is all she means it is all good intentions trust us :hug


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
I don't want to see you burned and neither does Labell that is all she means it is all good intentions trust us

thanks Vixen, that is all I was trying to express.... :hug


Newbie Streaker
Apr 15, 2009
I have read this collection of posts with interest and thought I may add to it.
This site and other similar ones are a great way to find out stuff if your an online player. Its great for free spins, free plays, bonuses, competitions, reviews about casinos etc. On the whole, a goldmine of useful information.
Now, because I'm on a very low income, I just dont have the funds to gamble big time, but I do enjoy slots,blackjack and poker, so really I should find a cheaper hobby!
But I know that NOTHING in this life is free. I get hundreds of free chips emailed by the rogue casinos and know that if I did win, I couldn't withdraw. Free spins are the new big offer...but you have to make a deposit, so how are they free? Some casinos advertise "$1200 free", read on to find you can claim it if you deposit over 3 or 4 days, or give you huge % bonus the higher you deposit. I recently won some money from a free spin sign up bonus, but I cannot withdraw it because I cannot afford to deposit to claim it! Ironic or what?lol
So, as usual in this world, the people with more, get more. If you can afford to gamble a couple of grand a week, the free stuff is literally thrown at you. I may be able to spare £20 a month if I'm lucky and never get a free spin,appreciation chip, zero. Another example, free tournaments. I love these because I do have a chance to win real cash,BUT, the players with the money can keep buying in, whereas I rely on the original bank. More than once, I have been in the prize money only to be beaten by players who can buy the top prizes.
So, basically, I use all the free rogue chips as fun money. I enter tournaments and cross fingers, and join casinos for the sign up free plays. This way, I'll never be disappointed when I lose.
But I do join sites like this, and I do read through the posts, and I'm grateful to everyone who spends some of their time letting others like myself know whats going on.
A big thanks to everyone involved and good luck to all players


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
First of all, welcome to Streak Gaming Thrap. Most of us are in the same position as you are hon. We do not have a lot of funds to gamble with and so we do take advantage of some of the free chips also (However, I do not at rogue casinos because I don't want them to get hold of my information for one thing. For another since I know I probably won't get paid anyways, just go to one of the casinos you know is good and play in their free mode. At least you know your ID and information is safe!)

Another thing that I want to point out is that you do not have to play lots of money to win big. People have won Random Jackpots playing 20 cents a spin. A few years ago I won a rondom jackpot for over $16,000 and when I deposit it is usually $20 or $25 at a time and play like 40 cents a spin. So it is not just the people that have lots of money are the only ones that win. Even the free tournaments have been won by people that did not pay for more chips to play.

So you see, it can be done. You just need to take the good with the bad and never play more than you can afford to lose!


Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
Yes, Thrap I am in the same boat, I do not have much money to spend at the casinos either and that is one reason I am a mad keen Inetbet fan, they accept deposits from $2 upwards and I have won a random after making a couple of dollars deposit, so it can be done. Also, once a month they send out a manager's bonus which is great. I also play as many of the free tourneys that I can, and I understand the frustration of being right up the top on the leaderboard and have a heap of ppl buy in and overtake you, but occasionally I do win some of the lower prizes and that let's me play at Microgaming for awhile.



Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
You can't beat the Microgaming Freerolls right now... all the casinos have them every day for a ticket to the grand slam tourney.... I play all the Freerolls I can get to also.

<a href="http://www.mygoldticket.com/?s=aff86802" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo329/streakgamingfan/Banners/goldticket468x60_003.gif" border="0"></a>
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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Oh yeah, are you talking about the million dollar prize. I do mean prize too, that is not the total of prizes, that is the FIRST PLACE!!!!

You can read more about it by clicking HERE!​


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
lol ceks! And what a great smiley for your post......

and yes Judy, I am! What a fantastic prize! And lots of other prizes too - the first 450 places get CASH! That's amazing!!!
