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Big Brother?

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Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
ok who's watching this season and whats your thoughts??

I cant help it, I love this show too, right up there with survivor :)


sorcer3ss (RETIRED)

Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
We have the show starting here in a day or so, I think it's been a couple of years since we have had it, they cancelled it cos of all the complaints. I used to enjoy watching it.


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I do Dani! I live for Big Brother, its my summer guilty pleasure!! :thumbsup


Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I ment sweet dani the d did not come uo for all info on whats happing in the house and lots of stuff from the live feeds go to jokers update. u will find out so much and there are lots of stuff and updates survivor too.hugs alea heres the link http://www.jokersupdates.com/
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Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
I don't watch it but my daughter does, she tells me all the things happening:laugh


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
yuppers BB fan here also, ok so heres my thoughts on those left.

Spencer; umm he has to go, he adds nothing to the game, he is boring, and I fast forward when he talks.

judd; What is the deal with this guy, someone is always asking him if he has taken his meds today, ok what frigging meds, dude is strange and i can't understand a word he says, he is a floater, contributes nothing.

Aiaren: I don't what her deal is, rumor has it her mother hired a Public Relations outfit to change her image. She has said some strange thing regarding race and chit, but for that is not her downfall, she is truely a mean girl i do not like her at all.

Howard: Well isn't the eye candy, I like him, not for the win however, he to does't add much to house accept looking good to look at.

Candace: oMg this girl is a whiner, and If have to hear about her being 1/2 while 1/2 black anymore I will scream, "really I don't give a chit about your race" I care about how you play the game, and girlfriend is not playing the game.

Elissa: Love herrrrrrrrrrrrr, she is playing and she plays hard, she is putting her heart into the game, i think she maybe good for final 2, if she stop that whining you here from her sometimes.

mcCare: omg could he be a mama's boy anymore, he is playing hard also, although hiding a bit behind amanda.

Amanda; Wow this girl is rough, she is playing the social game pretty well, she might make it to the final 3 if she gets rid of mccrae, i don't think she will win, she has stepped on alot of toes.

Helen: i have her for the win, she is fair, and she doesn't seem to lie that much, she is trying to keep it simple and easy, she stays calm when everyone else is crazy, if she gets booted it's only because other houseguests know she is a shoe in for the win.

Andy; i have him as runner up, he is playing a quiet game, and everyone seems to geniue like him, including me, i don't think he will take the prize because he is playing on coattails, if he steps up his game (still 58 days or so left he has time) he might take the prize.

Jessie: this girl is a trip, i have no idea where she lies, she has flipped flopped all over the place, i will be keeping my eye on her, she may become something of a threat later, but right now who the hell knows with her.

Ginamarie: i love this staten island princess, she is funny, fun, and i really thinks she has a good heart, i believe she likes everyone and this will be her downfall, poor thing she can't unfriend people she needs to pick a side and stick to it if she even wants to make jury...

Well there you have it folks, of course with so much time left in the game, all things can change, you know "expect the unexpected"


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Titanic, I agree with some of your comments but not all.

I used to like Elissa until this past week when her true colors came out. Not sure if you watch the live feeds but if you did you would have seen her be a total bitch to several HG's this week! And lie straight to peoples faces. I dont like her "holier than thou" attitude and how she talks down to everyone and thinks she is better than everyone else. She is very intimidating in the way she talks to people.

Helen aggravates me, i also liked her at the beginning until she got HOH then she went on a power trip and cant seem to get off of it! She acts like she is the leader and in total control of the house.

Judd I like very much as a person, although he mumbles so much its hard to understand him. (he takes anxiety meds)

Jessie- could care less, dont know much about her at this point.

GM - Shes okay but she gives us NY'ers a bad name, we are NOT all like that! lol

aaryn- Hated her for the first 3 weeks, like her now because she is the underdog, I always root for the under dog for some reason. lol I feel things got way out of a hand with the racial stuff and she is just a very stupid young girl and not as racist as the media is portraying her to be.

Candice, her voice irritates me and i could care less if she left immediately. Same with Howard and Spencer, dont like any of them. They bore me, have no game and they just need to go!!

Andy I like but he is a bit of a floater, goes where the power is, but all in all he is a sweet person. They better watch for him because he could play under the radar all the way to the finals!!

Amanda and McCrae are my favs, they will make it far I think. I liked McCrae from the first day, Amanda it took me a week or 2 but I like her now. She may be loud, bossy and nervy but I think shes playing a great game and will go far!


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
I knew you would be watching titanic, I dont like Elissa or Aiaren! I think they
are both very mean girls in their own way, lol I do like Helen though.

I use to pay for the 24hr feed, but I havent in the past few years.

I have watched the naked show Luck3Sevens, its ok but I dont think its anything like
survivor, I like the drama that comes with all the diff. people :)


Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
this year there is nobody I really like. i start to like them then they show there true colors. first I liked Helen but after she got hoh she became a bully and all she does on the feeds is throw everyone under the bus and on feeds she just lies about everyone and blames it all on elissa. there r two that feel entitled elissa and airhead erin I know that's not how she spells her name I could careless. ginamaire is a big mouth floater. jessie another floater. candyland I did like her but she hooked up with Howie there went her game. then theres demanda I can not stand this big bully who also calls women that very nasty c word just like judd and spencer do.judd and spencer r truly a waste of air and space. andy is a floater that will prob float right to f2, howard nuff said. mccrae this boy is so wishy washy everything is I don't know that's his answer for everything as long as he is with demanda his game is gone.well that's my take on all of them I just wonder who will be with andy at f2.hugs alea


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
lol, I do think this game brings out the mean in all of them, lol


Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
who did u vote for to be the third oe on the block? I put most of my votes on demanda and bully number 2 Helen.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
I see on one of the channels I have they have Big Brother After Dark, do any of you watch that?


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I see on one of the channels I have they have Big Brother After Dark, do any of you watch that?

Sometimes I do Judy, but hardly ever. I prefer the live feeds where you have 4 different camera views you can watch. On Big Brother After Dark you only see the one view they want you to see.
