Titanic, I agree with some of your comments but not all.
I used to like Elissa until this past week when her true colors came out. Not sure if you watch the live feeds but if you did you would have seen her be a total bitch to several HG's this week! And lie straight to peoples faces. I dont like her "holier than thou" attitude and how she talks down to everyone and thinks she is better than everyone else. She is very intimidating in the way she talks to people.
Helen aggravates me, i also liked her at the beginning until she got HOH then she went on a power trip and cant seem to get off of it! She acts like she is the leader and in total control of the house.
Judd I like very much as a person, although he mumbles so much its hard to understand him. (he takes anxiety meds)
Jessie- could care less, dont know much about her at this point.
GM - Shes okay but she gives us NY'ers a bad name, we are NOT all like that! lol
aaryn- Hated her for the first 3 weeks, like her now because she is the underdog, I always root for the under dog for some reason. lol I feel things got way out of a hand with the racial stuff and she is just a very stupid young girl and not as racist as the media is portraying her to be.
Candice, her voice irritates me and i could care less if she left immediately. Same with Howard and Spencer, dont like any of them. They bore me, have no game and they just need to go!!
Andy I like but he is a bit of a floater, goes where the power is, but all in all he is a sweet person. They better watch for him because he could play under the radar all the way to the finals!!
Amanda and McCrae are my favs, they will make it far I think. I liked McCrae from the first day, Amanda it took me a week or 2 but I like her now. She may be loud, bossy and nervy but I think shes playing a great game and will go far!