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AZ 15th state medical maijuana!

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
So I wonder, if your doctor won't give you pain medication will he give you a prescription for this?


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Thats a good question Judy hon, my doc isnt allowed to write prescriptions for pain killers due to them being abused by people who sell, just want to get high, or get addicted to them. When i use to get them they always lasted me a yr or even longer, I would only take one if i felt i couldnt handle my pain. I still have many pills left but they are like 2/3 yrs past due. Never been much of a pill popper nor a pot smoker but i think weed is better than pain killers being it is natural from the ground. They are talking surgery soon and i am thinking if i can get the medical marijuana i might not have surgery done if i can deal/reduce the pain. I sure hope she will write a small one for me.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
I take pain pills once in a while, not often. I have noticed that more and more doctors are not able to write pain medication prescriptions and when they do a lot of them have to have their patients sign pain contracts. Such a pity that so many addicts have caused the people that really need them to not be able to get them.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Exactly!! That is why i cant get any. Pisses me off when i hear that someone gets them and doesnt need them. They stopped the pain managment here because of that reason. Now i am hoping i can get the medical stuff to help me..i am also legally blind and maybe it will help that to. Geez! I feel like im falling apart lol.snoball lol love the new icons!!!
