I think I'm going on a few short trips. I was going to Vegas next month to see my best friend and her family. Jeanne says "we'll stay in a hotel, and we can go by my sisters and see my MoM and Dad one day" But "I know we're gonna wanna gamble at LEAST one night and we can't go out with less than a grand each!!" I don't play like that anymore, but once she starts.. She can go a yr. without a bet, but once she starts the beast is OUT! I can't tell you how many fights we've gotten into in casinos! 5 minutes away and we're best buds again. Not a pretty sight. Someone I was dating said "WE SHOULD GO TO VEGAS!" I said no no no no no. We would have no meals together, you wouldn't see me and it would be the end of us!! Vegas and romance??? OMG- I don't want a light show or lounge act. I'm not into window shopping- I'm on a mission. Period.. So move your kids outta my way and no honey, don't make dinner reservations and god forbid I get paged!!! If I'm hot, they can call my name till the cows come home, I'm not leaving my play!!
I'm going to a couple music festivals in the next few months, camping with friends and like Anton said "Hippies, acid and psychedelic trancemusic, oh man, can't wait!"
(Anton, couldn't you just go to Amesterdam for that?)
Maybe to Laughlin with my sister and mom in June. My sister has a bowling tourney and we'd be staying 4 nights. Now if I only have to hang with her in the car under heavy sedation that might work!!
I think I'l have a friend with a med. marajuna card pick up a couple brownies!! Good for my MoM but I'd love to see my sister eat one. Might chill her out a bit!!!!
And she's got another deal in July in San Fransisco. I wanna go. If I'm real lucky there will be a good show on and I'd meet up with my L.A. 'deadhead' friends. If not, I love the town and I have 2 friends that live in the bay area to visit. Oh and I HAVE TO GO to CITY LIGHTS BOOK STORE!!! Love bookstores, but thats THE ONE!! All the BEAT poets used to hang in the basement, Ginsberg, Leary, Kessey, Cassidy and William S. Bouroughs etc...
The music campouts are a blast!! It helps when you know the majority of people around and handy too! If anyone's in need someone helps out! And we come up with all kind of games- like potato 'alley' take a potato thats been in the campfire, let it cool slightly, set up some bottles and see who can handle it and knock down any bottles!
Ok, it doesn't sound as fun as it was. But watching a drunk friend trying to STAND is a tall order.
As long as I don't have to babysit a drunk and they're not too sloppy, I can hang! I shouldn't just say drunks in this case. I don't wanna hear "so and so took too much ----- and we were wondering if...." The answer is NO! Mind your $hit, I'm not wearing a staff or first aid shirt and when I used to partake, I spent too many trips holding hands or talking someone down. Kinda kills your trip! Frikkin Hippies!!
After reading this it dawned on me... Thats probably why I don't mind taking vacations by myself!! I always meet people, hard to believe, being how shy I am.