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Antons Curb (Rival games)

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Anton DB

Lifetime Streaker
Apr 24, 2009
I've mentioned this before, some Rival games just NEVER pay it seems.
I cannot explain, I just dont get it.
This is not based on just a few tries, believe me.
After 2.5 years of playing these games rather intensively I've decided that its time to put an end to some of them.
Those will end up in the CURB. Antons Curb.

Ok, so today its official:

Altough I really regret it, the Rival game Switch in Time has finally been kicked into my personal curb.

Enough is enough.
I've played this game for almost a year now, it was released towards the end of November last year, and I'm still without even an avarage win on it.
The best I've ever got was a little over 50x my betsize. Peanuts.

Just today the game munched another nice win on Scary2 as if it was a candybar. Got stuck in the future.

Its a real shame because I've tried so hard to like the game, I think the whole concept is awesome and so are the graphics, but the game has been nothing but a moneyvacuum for me and I just have the feeling that its not going to change anytime soon... or even late.

I wont let it become another T-REX. (T-Rex is my RTG Nemesis slot)
The games are related somehow, Switch in Time also has dinosaurs!
Thats it! Ofcourse! Dino's!


And DINO'S hate ME!

I'm glad they're all DEAD!! r.i.p

Next week: (or next time I'm bored) The Travel Bug. ( I hate bugs even more than dino's)



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 26, 2008
Why not give Roll out the Barrels a try? When I was playing it in free mode for the slot review, I had some good runs... The odds are the same in real money mode.

Good luck Anton, may the Gambling Gods with you!

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Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Anton I agree with you and want to shake you really bad for taking a year to realize those games are chit! :hit

I do not like them sam I am I do not like those slots of scam :)


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Anton I agree with you and want to shake you really bad for taking a year to realize those games are chit! :hit

I do not like them sam I am I do not like those slots of scam :)



Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
I do not like them sam I am I do not like those slots of scam :)

a poet and we didn't know it!!

bwaa haaa haaa great one Vixen

Anton I agree, always get stuck in future eeeww

:witch ...kicking it to the curb....

sorcer3ss (RETIRED)

Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
So which games are you going to replace them with Anton? I'm afraid I am not a fan of Switch in Time either, I usually stick with either Future Fortune or Scary Rich.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 21, 2009
Boy, do I know what you mean!

The scary rich slots?? Both of them hate me. I use to see posts about people hitting really well on them and I get a big nada!

Just like T-rex now. I use to love that game and hit really well. And the free spins would yeald a LOT of cash too with all kinds of t-rexs popping up on a spin. Now I can't get a thing on that slot. I still give it a few spins now and then but nothing like I use to.

Also, on Rival, that jacques pot??? what ever, I use to see a lot of winners on that as well.......... not for me........can't hit the broad side of a barn with it either.

But, to be fair, I had a love/hate relationship with Year of fortune at Club World.........I can't complain about that one anymore!!:)


Good Luck to you!


Anton DB

Lifetime Streaker
Apr 24, 2009
So which games are you going to replace them with Anton? I'm afraid I am not a fan of Switch in Time either, I usually stick with either Future Fortune or Scary Rich.

Future Fortunes... never won anything on that one too.
The only way to win anything decent on that one seems to be that Mr. Omar card picking game.
I find it a bit stupid that I have to tell Mr. Omar which card to pick, after all, Mr. Omar pretends he can see the future, right?
So it should be HIM picking the card and it sould ALWAYS be the right one, otherwise Mr. Omar is a LIAR and a CHEAT!

But I recently discovered that Moonlight Misery can pay pretty damn HUGE in free spins, so I play that one more often lately, and I got lucky on that hamburgerdude game also yesterday, got the burgerbonus TWICE in one freespinround, which was nice.
Unfortunately, Foreskin Payout and As The Reels Burn 3 munched the win in no time.

Spygame is also one of those games I keep coming back to, that bonusround usually gives awesome returns.

That brings me to the: (drumroll please)

QuizzQuestion about Spygame:

Altough the game is called 'SPYGAME', the woman with the big boobies pays better than the spy!

The first person with the right answer wins a 2nd hand refridgerator!!



Anton DB

Lifetime Streaker
Apr 24, 2009
Anton I agree with you and want to shake you really bad for taking a year to realize those games are chit! :hit

I do not like them sam I am I do not like those slots of scam :)

LOL, thats some high level poetry!

But not all of them are bad, I love the Scarys, yes, they can be mean but at least they pay up sometimes, and when they do its usually partytime here.
Both Scary Rich games are among the best slotgames ever released, just my opinion.

Btw, I love your new avatar!



Lifetime Streaker
May 5, 2008
That brings me to the: (drumroll please)

QuizzQuestion about Spygame:

Altough the game is called 'SPYGAME', the woman with the big boobies pays better than the spy!

The first person with the right answer wins a 2nd hand refridgerator!!



Because she's a woman thats why. (Especially the ones with big bobbies).

Anton DB

Lifetime Streaker
Apr 24, 2009
Sorry IKVikings, but thats not the right answer.
I can still drink cold beer tomorrow, phew!

I'll give you the answer, its actually very simple:

The game is called SPYGAME
The woman with the big boobies gives the top payout.
So, the woman is the REAL spy!

The male spy looks waaay to much like a spy to actually be a spy!

Sorry, I just cant help asking myself questions like that..



Lifetime Streaker
May 5, 2008
Since I am a woman, but not with big boobies, I still think my answer is correct- but you can keep your beer how bout some chocolate instead?

