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Antigua threatens to OK piracy .............

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Antigua threatens to OK piracy if gambling dispute is ignored
20 March 2008

As reported by Variety: "The government of Antigua is likely to abrogate intellectual property treaties with the U.S. by the end of March and authorize wholesale copying of American movies, music and other 'soft targets' if the Bush administration fails to respond to proposals for settling a trade dispute between the two counties, according to the lawyer representing the Caribbean island nation.

"The Motion Picture Assn. of America has been closely following the case with tremendous concern, an organization official said, fearing that the copying could be extensively damaging and that -- worse -- a dangerous precedent could be set for other small countries angry at U.S. trade policy.

"It is not our preferred option to punish the MPAA or others for the U.S. government's intransigence, but the U.S. has refused to negotiate fairly," said Mark E. Mendel, who represents Antigua. Goods and materials that would be copied include "virtually everything from pharmaceuticals to music, anything with IP protection that can be duplicated, though we'll go for softer targets first," Mendel said...


Junior Streaker
Feb 26, 2008
Finally, someone with some b___s!
I hope it hurts where it counts...in the wallet! :teasin
