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Another US poker pro tells his country to kiss off

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Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Justin Bonomo, an American poker pro who is widely considered among the best around the world by his peers, becomes yet another American to turn his back on his country and seek greener pastures dues to unfavourable online gambling laws.

Justin Bonomo recently announced via his Facebook account that he too will be leaving the United States. Unlike other Americans who fled to Canada during the Black Friday induced exodus, Bonomo will be taking his talents to the Meditteranean, to the island of Malta.
Malta is an online gambling and online poker hub and Bonomo himself is expected to partake in the upcoming WPT event taking place in Malta on September 20th.

Bonomo feels that living in Malta will give him greater and easier accessibility to a variety of European tournaments and he may even get to pay less taxes than he did to Uncle Sam.

You wonder if these US poker pros are just out on loan, much in the same way the NBA players who have been locked out are out playing with teams in Europe. As soon as the NBA Lockout is over, the players are coming back to the U.S.

If and when the US poker players return, they can bet on a bunch of new teams joining the game, likely out of Las Vegas



Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
We should all turn our back on our country!! Bunch of freakin morons run it! :woooooow


Lifetime Streaker
Jan 17, 2008
That's what happens when the same people get voted in year after year, decade after decade.
