I think that this could be another "Y2K" hon. I live in a small town that has a lot of people that were VERY convinced that it would cause world destruction and mayhem. A lot of people prepared for it by buying HUGE generators for their homes and barrels of gas to run them. They stocked up on food (not just a few canned goods either. We are talking buckets of rice and dry goods, rations like a war was imminent etc.....) It even went so far that I overheard my inlaws pastor talk about arming yourself to PROTECT your family from people that were NOT prepared (WOW, that turned me off from organized religion!) Anyways, what I think about this after seeing the drastic preparations for "Y2K", this SCARES me. NOT for the fact it may be true, but for the fact that it may not. What will happen with preparations for THIS? How far will people go?