€100,000 Summer Raked Hands Race At NordicBet Poker
This summer our Raked Hands Race is worth €100,000
We’ve run several online poker Raked Hands races before and they’ve been extremely popular every time. But if you’re like us, you’ve been waiting patiently all year for the summer and think it deserves something a bit special to celebrate its arrival. So we give you…the Summer €100,000 Raked Hands Race at NordicBet Poker!
Here’s all you need to know…
What’s a Raked Hand?
A Raked Hand is when you receive cards and contribute money to the pot (rake is taken).
How does the race work?
The more raked hands you play during each stage the higher up the leaderboard you go and the greater the cash prize you can win.
Which games count towards my Raked Hands Total?
All poker game types on the cash games are part of the Raked Hands Race.
How many stages are there?
We have three stages which run as follows: June 3-23, July 8-28 and August 5-25. They are independent from each other meaning you could win cash prizes in all three.
Are all raked hands played equal in terms of the leaderboard?
No. If you play at stakes of €0.10/€0.20, €0.20/€0.40 and €0.25/€0.50 each raked hand counts towards your Silver Division Total and if you play €0.50/€1.00 or more, it counts towards your Gold Division Total.
What do I have to do to be in the money?
You have to finish in the Top 100 in either division at the end of a stage. The top prize in the Gold Division is €1600 and in the Silver Division it’s €1200. Check the table below to see exactly how much you win for finishing in a particular place.
When do I get my money?
All cash prizes will be paid within two days of each stage ending.
How do I check how I’m doing?
Just go to “My Account” and “€100,000 Summer Raked Hands Race” in the Poker Client.
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This summer our Raked Hands Race is worth €100,000
We’ve run several online poker Raked Hands races before and they’ve been extremely popular every time. But if you’re like us, you’ve been waiting patiently all year for the summer and think it deserves something a bit special to celebrate its arrival. So we give you…the Summer €100,000 Raked Hands Race at NordicBet Poker!
Here’s all you need to know…
What’s a Raked Hand?
A Raked Hand is when you receive cards and contribute money to the pot (rake is taken).
How does the race work?
The more raked hands you play during each stage the higher up the leaderboard you go and the greater the cash prize you can win.
Which games count towards my Raked Hands Total?
All poker game types on the cash games are part of the Raked Hands Race.
How many stages are there?
We have three stages which run as follows: June 3-23, July 8-28 and August 5-25. They are independent from each other meaning you could win cash prizes in all three.
Are all raked hands played equal in terms of the leaderboard?
No. If you play at stakes of €0.10/€0.20, €0.20/€0.40 and €0.25/€0.50 each raked hand counts towards your Silver Division Total and if you play €0.50/€1.00 or more, it counts towards your Gold Division Total.
What do I have to do to be in the money?
You have to finish in the Top 100 in either division at the end of a stage. The top prize in the Gold Division is €1600 and in the Silver Division it’s €1200. Check the table below to see exactly how much you win for finishing in a particular place.
When do I get my money?
All cash prizes will be paid within two days of each stage ending.
How do I check how I’m doing?
Just go to “My Account” and “€100,000 Summer Raked Hands Race” in the Poker Client.
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