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5 Ways to Kick the Soda Habit with Healthy Alternatives

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Social Networking Mod
Jan 11, 2011
America’s addiction to sodas is so commonplace that it is almost hidden, ironically, and many people do not even see it as a problem because it is so much a part of their lifestyle. Soda, however, is full of empty calories and oftentimes high in sodium and has little or no nutritional value. It has been blamed, along with fast food and processed food in general, with the epidemic of obesity which is gripping the country and causing so many health problems for millions of Americans. Below are 5 ways to help kick the soda habit for good.

Keep Iced Tea “On Tap”
Tea comes in a wide variety of flavors and can be regular or caffeine free, giving the consumer a great variety of options. Brew some up at home and put in a pitcher in the fridge and if it has to be served sweet, use a natural sugar substitute like honey or stevia instead. Tea is rich in antioxidants and does not have as much caffeine as some sodas but will still help give the energy levels a boost. Making it at home will avoid many of the additives put into commercial made tea drinks.

Increase Activity
If soda is being used as an energy booster, consider healthier ways to help get a pick-me-up. One of the best of these is exercise, which stimulates adrenaline and gives a natural buzz similar to that of the caffeine in many sodas. The next time the craving for soda hits, go for a brisk walk or do some jumping-jacks to boost the energy; it is likely that the craving will go away.

Say “Hello” to Water
For some people, one of the most attractive part of soda is its fizziness. If addicted to that bubbly feel when drinking, choose sparkling waters as a healthier alternative. The carbonation will give the same texture as a soda but will lack the caffeine and sugar and help contribute to hydration levels. Be warned, though, that overconsumption of any carbonated drink has been linked to weakened bones and the development of osteoporosis.

Juice Up
If a big part of the soda attraction was both the sweetness and the energy boost, natural juices can help with both. While juicers can seem intimidating or labor-intensive, they are actually pretty easy to use and well worth the extra effort. The Internet is teeming with recipes which for fruit or vegetable juices (or a combination of the two) that will give wholesome sustained energy, a wealth of nutrients and help satisfy the sweet tooth.

Increase B Vitamins
While the caffeine in soda can definitely give a lift if one is feeling sleeping or sluggish, this energy boost is short-lasting and can often be followed by a caffeine “crash” which actually makes most people feel more tired than before. A more natural way to find some get up and go is to use B vitamins, which will provide more sustained and longer-lasting energy.

Kicking the soda habit can be a really struggle for some people and many will find that it can take a long time to full accomplish this. However, it is well worth the effort and these tips might make it easier to to drinking soda for good.

source: Natural News Blogs 5 Ways to Kick the Soda Habit with Healthy Alternatives » Natural News Blogs


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Thanks Ashley, those are some great tips. I always have either a pitcher of tea or a pitcher of one of the great flavors of Crystal Light. I also bought a Zero Water pitcher that I keep full in the fridge.


Social Networking Mod
Jan 11, 2011
i like to keep a pitcher of water in fridge with sliced lemons and cucumbers in it, i love the cucumber flavor in water and it's really good for you too!


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
that sounds pretty good actually Ashley! I need to drink more water



Lifetime Streaker
Jun 8, 2014
Good tips!! I use to drink at LEAST a 2 liter of Pepsi a day. When I decided I had to give it up I was buying that new BIGGER size........ the 1 1/2 liter, drinking 2 of them a day. Besides the fact it's bad for you, it gets expensive.

I knew I couldn't kick the caffeine or the sugar, so I started making tea by the gallons. I bought a huge cup with a lid
and straw that keep in the freezer (the middle is like a mini ice pack) until I fill it up and go to work, I LOVE IT!

It's SOOOO much cheaper! 200 tea bags is about $3 a month, compared to $3 a day.
I have even cut out the sugar and just squeeze a little lemon in it.
It's amazing how much more energy I have!!! :hppdnc


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Thats a terrific idea MsMack!!! Thanks for sharing!


Newbie Streaker
Dec 1, 2014
I used to be a soda junkie to about seven years ago. Then I gradually dialed it back and substitute with water. And it was a bit of an adjustment but now I routinely drink 5+ glass of water per day and glad I made the change - as I feel much healthier and energetic, and my metabolism improved dramatically.


Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
I'm afraid that I love my soft drink, but I only drink diet stuff as I am diabetic.


Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
There's probably something, all our pleasures are taken away from us nowadays GG22


Mar 30, 2015
The more you work out then the more you appreciate a cold cup of water. jmo


Mar 30, 2015
I used to be a soda junkie to about seven years ago. Then I gradually dialed it back and substitute with water. And it was a bit of an adjustment but now I routinely drink 5+ glass of water per day and glad I made the change - as I feel much healthier and energetic, and my metabolism improved dramatically.

I noticed that for me as well


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
See this thread attracted a lot of spammers...lol

I have not drank soda in over 7 hrs now and I do not miss it at all!


Junior Streaker
Jan 12, 2014
Oh my god I love my soda!!!! If I don't drink it I get a headache, as for water I get that from the ice cubes I put in my soda.:ohboy
About 2 weeks ago I had a physical and then they ran my blood work and urine. When I got the results it stated I had crystals in my urine, my doctor said that's not good, you must increase your water intake to 5-7 glasses a day. I have and I stopped drinking soda cold turkey. Let me tell you I soooooooooooooooooo miss it. I have to retake my blood and urine test again in 2 more weeks all I know I better not see the word crystal and urine in the same sentence! hehehe


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
We have been making fruit infused water the last 2 weeks and I love it!!! Personally have not had soda in yrs and if I do have one I am very sick!
